About Me

My photo
I love to ride my bike and my quad.I also like to play hockey (i've played for seven years) and drive my jato 3.3 i have taken spanish and know a lot of spanish. i like to play soccer (both indoor and out)i am brave strong and muscular and very very funny. i recently played soccer for the white lake "worms" (team name) and me being the best sixth grade goalie and has a mean punt olny got scored twice through the entire season! that was on the championship game we never lost ONE game a all and we hade to go into a double overtime (cause it was tied 0-0) then a shoot out then the score was 3-2 we WON

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm A Blogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my very very very first post. there is three reasons why my mom let me have a blog.

1. I kept bugging her.

2. I couldn't e-mail some videos to my dad's brother so I got a little support from dad.

3. I just wanted one.
I hope your happy with this picture because it took me a half an hour just to find this picture and it wasn't even the picture that I wanted!!!!!!


  1. YEA! Ethan! I LOVE the picture! Did your mom take that of you? Are you going to post to your blog more than your mom does to hers? :) I hope so! WE LOVE YOU ETHAN!! We can't wait to see more!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. cool blog Ethan!! i hope 2 see more blog posts soon! :D

  4. yes I already have four post two are not finshed and I have an idea for a fith

  5. There are those beautiful eyes! I love the picture! How fun! You have your own blog!

  6. This is a cool picture. You must like it since you spent so much time looking for it. ;)
    I like your blog, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of on it.

  7. I am sooooooo happy that you have a blog now!! btw i have many new posts on my blog so check them out and write comments!!


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