About Me

My photo
I love to ride my bike and my quad.I also like to play hockey (i've played for seven years) and drive my jato 3.3 i have taken spanish and know a lot of spanish. i like to play soccer (both indoor and out)i am brave strong and muscular and very very funny. i recently played soccer for the white lake "worms" (team name) and me being the best sixth grade goalie and has a mean punt olny got scored twice through the entire season! that was on the championship game we never lost ONE game a all and we hade to go into a double overtime (cause it was tied 0-0) then a shoot out then the score was 3-2 we WON

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

try this

First, you have to type your name...


Then, you have to type your name with your nose..


Then, with your elbow...


Then, with your toes...


After that, you can type your name with your knuckles...


Monday, June 15, 2009

5 FOR 5

Name 5 names you would like to have instead of yours....

Ian (ean)

Name 5 of your favorite desserts....

chocolate covered strawberries (sorry Jillie)

chocolate cake

cookies and cream cookie dough ice cream

peanut butter brownies

ice cream sandwitches

Name the 1st 5 celebrities that come to your head....

David Archuleta

Zack Efron

miley cyrus

Hanna Montana

lady Gaga

Name 5 words in a different language that you know....

agua (water)

hola (hi)

uno (1)

dose (2)

venty (20)

Lastly, name 5 places you want to visit (that you haven't been to)...

Disney Land

New York City

Washingt0n D.C


Hershey, Pennsylvania

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

MINI DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friends made a thing called mini dudes on the last day of school. so they taught it to me and I decied to try it. PS my little sister Jaleigh wanted to try it too.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Campin with the Averys

A few weeks ago we went camping at a place called Pentwater. It was really fun. I am the first to blog about this in my family. (even my mom) here are some pictures of the trip.

This is what our camp site looked like.

here is my sister on top of a small hill that we rode our bikes on.

We are looking in the swamp area for any sudden movements.

this is me watching the big fish go by.

The water used to be up to the railing during a flood.
I need some help with this picture. We thought that it was a frog but it has teeth.

this is me at the top of a very very steep hill

This is me and Jaleigh and my dad relaxing in the firelight.

hair cuts

This is going to be a hair cut contest. I will show two of my recent hair cuts and you will vote on what one looks the best. leave your comments

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A day at the beach with my Jato 3.3

In my very very very first post on reason two it said that I couldn't send some videos to my uncle Nolan... well this post shows the videos. A Jato 3.3 is a nitro fueled RC car that goes 65+mph

I'm A Blogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my very very very first post. there is three reasons why my mom let me have a blog.

1. I kept bugging her.

2. I couldn't e-mail some videos to my dad's brother so I got a little support from dad.

3. I just wanted one.
I hope your happy with this picture because it took me a half an hour just to find this picture and it wasn't even the picture that I wanted!!!!!!

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