About Me

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I love to ride my bike and my quad.I also like to play hockey (i've played for seven years) and drive my jato 3.3 i have taken spanish and know a lot of spanish. i like to play soccer (both indoor and out)i am brave strong and muscular and very very funny. i recently played soccer for the white lake "worms" (team name) and me being the best sixth grade goalie and has a mean punt olny got scored twice through the entire season! that was on the championship game we never lost ONE game a all and we hade to go into a double overtime (cause it was tied 0-0) then a shoot out then the score was 3-2 we WON

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

babysitter & quad

So, I'm sitting with my "english teachers" (tessa and saroya). They correct me on everything I say and she knows that I'm not smart too (tessa is my babysitter) Here is me riding my quad.


  1. just like lights camera action at disney world

  2. you're not stupid and that was cool. :)

  3. Hyrum kept saying "NITRO" as you were riding around just like he was no doubt doing at the lights camera action show at Disney world! And YOU are NOT stupid. Seems to me I'm ALWAYS hearing about your aced tests from grandma. :) Welcome back to blogging!

  4. right now my chain is broke in two because since it is ice i dodged alot of trees and hit two and then it snappped in half


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