About Me

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I love to ride my bike and my quad.I also like to play hockey (i've played for seven years) and drive my jato 3.3 i have taken spanish and know a lot of spanish. i like to play soccer (both indoor and out)i am brave strong and muscular and very very funny. i recently played soccer for the white lake "worms" (team name) and me being the best sixth grade goalie and has a mean punt olny got scored twice through the entire season! that was on the championship game we never lost ONE game a all and we hade to go into a double overtime (cause it was tied 0-0) then a shoot out then the score was 3-2 we WON

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Monday, August 17, 2009

campin at ludington

We went camping at ludington state park which is a pretty nice place to camp. But not if you have Ethan's bike. So I was riding back from the bathrooms and I get back to the camp site I just tap on the front brake and it falls off and I know what you would say, "its just the front brake you don't neeed it" well you would be right for the rest of that day. so the next day we get a wake up call from someones car alarm and so I get up to go in the shower and of course I ride my bike and when I get out and my bike is gone, "nice " i said " my bike is gone just nice."

so long story short we found it in another persons camp ground so as i ride it back the back brake falls off so now i officially have no brakes so the next day we get a wake up call from people with a bulldozer digging out fire pits. we have bike rides and canoe rides to the beach. the next day we wake up from the dump truck. and the day was pretty much the same so the next day we wake up by crows and I was about to run them over with my bike with no brakes and heres some pics enjoy;)
cheese stuffed crust mmmmmm
our friends gave us these but we dumped them out do you like my new friend bob (eyes are scratch and bruise nose is scratch mouth is scratch)


  1. Looks like a fun vacation- except for your bike braking down, and getting stolen, and getting woken up to early in the morning by annoying noises!
    I like what you did with the slide and that you threw out the caffeinated pop!

  2. thank you do you remeber bob from the post? well I was going really fast and saroya said "hey bob" (since bob was on my leg so he was pedling) "do you know where you going?" bob said "yup straight"


Back ground

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