About Me

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I love to ride my bike and my quad.I also like to play hockey (i've played for seven years) and drive my jato 3.3 i have taken spanish and know a lot of spanish. i like to play soccer (both indoor and out)i am brave strong and muscular and very very funny. i recently played soccer for the white lake "worms" (team name) and me being the best sixth grade goalie and has a mean punt olny got scored twice through the entire season! that was on the championship game we never lost ONE game a all and we hade to go into a double overtime (cause it was tied 0-0) then a shoot out then the score was 3-2 we WON

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


My busy fourth of July week started with acouple of races with my jato 3.3 (goes 65+mph) my friends matrix 2.6 (goes about 45mph) and my friends (Ian Brian and my friend with the matrix Kyle. We raced twice and I won the first one and tied the second one.


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